Running for Trustee
If you are looking to run for Village Trustee, or if you know someone else that would be a good trustee, please reach out to And if you want to run as an independent, the below instructions will help.
Run as an independent
To run for office as an independent, there are a few important administrative tasks to get on the ballot. The below instructions are based on this guide from NYCOM and this page from the NY State Board of Elections. FABGC has gone through this process multiple times, but if you decide to run for Trustee or Mayor, the below should be independently verified.
Step 1: Getting your name on the ballot
You must get 100 signatures on an independent nominating petition (.doc download) to get on the ballot.
Nominating petition instructions can be found here and can be used for individual candidates or for a group of candidates.
All signatures must be from registered voters in the Village of Garden City.
January 2 is the first day to collect signatures.
February 13 is the last day to file a nominating petition.
Attach a Cover Sheet (sample)
Note: The minimum is 100 signatures, but because it is possible for signatures, and even entire pages, to be marked as invalid, it is advisable to get more signatures than required.
Step 2: Funding a campaign
If any money is spent on the campaign, even if entirely self funded, then forms need to be filed with the Village throughout the campaign. Download the Campaign Finance Handbook here.
Before beginning a campaign, register with the Village of Garden City. Complete the below forms as applicable and submit by mail.
CF-04 - To Request a NYSBOE Filer ID.
CF-02 - Campaign Finance Registration Form.
CF-03 - Committee Authorization Campaign Finance Form. (required only if running as a group)
CF-16 - Candidate Authorization For a Committee to Make All Campaign Financial Disclosures. (required only if running as a group)
CF-01 will need to be filed with the Village clerk 3 times during the campaign. If less than $1000 was spent, candidate may complete In-Lieu-Of Statement rather than the itemized list.
February 16 is the deadline for the first statement of campaign receipts.
March 8 is the deadline for the second statement of campaign receipts.
April 15 is the deadline for the third statement of campaign receipts.
Note: If less than $50 will be spent on the campaign, including personal funds, an exemption can be filed with form CF-05